Development and design projects

Welcome to my projects page, since confidentiality and work privacy of most projects, I didn't include them on this page. you can browse three projects only with full details & overview completely, to give you a fast overview of my capabilities in developing and designing web app projects and mobile apps.

Public Projects Privet Projects

Public Projects

  • RateCV

    RateCV is a platform for providing services to the HR sector, from CV evaluation, CV writing as well as design, publication, etc.

  • SmartMall

    SramtMall is a web application that provides services to the mall's management cutter, from the user and visitor experience, includes the operating system and operations for the mall employees in the back office and makes all transactions fully automated.

  • Write To Learn

    Write To Learn is a platform to learn English in a very easy and simple way, through the principle of listening, writing, and learning.